Treasy is eco-friendly, sourced and manufactured in the UK and encourages reduction in plastic waste.
Artificial trees are harmful to the environment - fact.
You may think that having an artificial tree which you re-use year after year is better for the environment than the process of growing and cutting down real Christmas trees every year. Think again.
PVC is the primary raw material used in artificial trees
The manufacture of artificial trees is a source of dangerous pollution involving hazardous chemicals, huge energy outputs and vast outputs of toxic waste
The vast majority of artificial Christmas trees are made in China, using an obsolete process that requires considerable quantities of catalytic mercury.
According to a 2015 EU funded study, the amount of mercury released annually into the Chinese environment from PVC manufacturing is unknown but "potentially enormous"
There are few substances more harmful to human health than mercury (source: The Guardian Opinion; journalist John Collins Rudolf, December 2018)
The average family uses an artificial tree for only six to nine years before throwing it away and it will remain in landfill for centuries after disposal, leeching toxic waste into the environment
Some artificial trees could be harbouring lead and in the worst case scenarios, a substantial health risk to young children is quite possible. (source:
Why a real Christmas tree is the environmentally-friendly choice
While Christmas trees are growing, they support life by absorbing carbon dioxide and other gases and emitting fresh oxygen
The farms that grow Christmas trees stabilise soil, protect water supplies and provide refuge for wildlife
Whilst growing they create scenic green belts and often Christmas trees are grown on soil that doesn’t support other crops
Real Christmas trees are renewable. To ensure a constant supply, Christmas tree growers plant one to three new seedlings for every tree they harvest
Real Christmas trees are biodegradable and can easily be reused or recycled for mulch and other purposes (source: National Christmas Tree Association)
A study published in 2007 by scientists from Japan revealed that the smell of pine needles can battle anxiety, depression and stress. Herbalists say that pine needles can help to support the immune system. (source:
Although the carbon footprint of a real tree depends on the method of its’ disposal, it is invariably lower than that of an artificial tree. According to the Carbon Trust, a 2m tall real tree that ends up in a wood chipper or bonfire has a carbon footprint of 3.5kg of carbon dioxide. If the tree ends up in landfill, the footprint increases significantly to 16kg. However, both of these figures pale in comparison to the carbon footprint of a 2m tall artificial tree, which is estimated to be 40kg of CO2. (source: BBC Science Focus Magazine;
Christmas tree farms help to maintain the British rural economy and provide jobs
Treasy is a reusable product, manufactured in the UK
Treasy is made from material sourced in the UK
The manufacturing of our product is UK based
Treasy is re-usable over several years
The packaging is also reusable over several years
The product encourages the purchase of real Christmas trees as opposed to artificial trees
Treasy contains zero plastic
Treasy encourages a saving in energy since there will be no need to spend time vacuuming all the needles. This is a major consideration when you appreciate that approximately 7 million Christmas trees are purchased each year in the UK alone (source British Christmas Tree Growers Association